
March 28, 2011

Lanesborough luxury writ large

Some people don't care about the royal wedding mayhem. The Lanesborough Hotel, London is opening its ultra-swish new £14,000 a night suite two days after the royal wedding -on 1May The four bedroom suite, overlooking Green Park will cover a humungous 4,000 square-foot, making it one of London's largest, most luxurious and most expensive suites. (a Top Ten on London suites coming shortly). Those who book in for the suite life will also get a complimentary chauffeur driven Rolls Royce Phantom to roll around London in, a 24 hour butler and also those Mac Minis in the room that The Lanesborough are famous for.

So-ooo .luxurious, worthy of royalty even... which leads us to The Lanesborough really so immune to royalty or could there be a honeymoon night reason why the suite is opening just after the regal wedding? Just a thought , we have no hard evidence what so ever but.... 

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